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  • Current: Aug 7, 2024


In biology, a transporter refers to a menbrane protein or a protein complex containing a membra protein that facilitates the passage of a molecule through the biological membrane (broad definition). In this sense, transporters are same as membrane transport proteins.

Transporters are typically classified into carrier proteins and channels [3]. The term "transporter" is sometimes used specifically to refer to carrier proteins, in contrast to channels. Carrier proteins alternate two conformations facilitate the passage of a molecure through the membrane. In contrast, channel proteins form an aqueous pore across the membrane, through which specific molecules can diffuse.

Definitions in the literature

  • A protein that penetrates or spans a cell membrane to permit the passage of a substance through the membrane [1].
  • We specifically defined transporters as the membrane proteins facilitating materials (mostly molecules or ions) transporting across membrane [2].
  • Carrier proteins and channel proteins are the two major classes of membrane transport proteins [3].